Ultramarine Outriders

Easy to assemble, paint, and kick xenos butt with!

Paint Time: 12 Hours

Colors Used:


  • Army Painter Ultramarine Blue

Turbo Dork:

  • Multipass
  • Death By


  • Steel Legion Drab
  • Abaddon Black
  • Runelord Brass
  • Leadbelcher
  • Warboss Green
  • Wazdakka Red
  • Wraithbone
  • Agrellan Earth
  • Macragge Blue
  • Auric Armour Gold
  • Nuln Oil
  • Ultramarine Infernus Squad
  • Ultramarine Outriders
  • Primaris Firestrike Servo-Turret
  • Ultramarine Assault Intercessor Squad with Primaris Lieutenant
  • Workin’: One
  • Battle Sisters Squad